All children and young people who attend Manchester Hospital School are referred as a result of medical issues that prevents them from attending their own school.
Please refer to our MHS Admissions Policy for more details.
We provide education for children and young people aged 5-18 at the Christie, RMCH, Wythenshawe Hospital, North Manchester General Hospital, for young people aged at Galaxy House, for young people aged 11-18 at the Leo Kelly School, and through HIVE for young people who are too unwell to attend a school setting.
All our provisions follow the same principle which is to reduce the detrimental effect of illness, whether physical or mental, on the education of children and young people. All hospital inpatients are entitled to access their education during their stay.
Manchester Hospital School is commissioned by Manchester City Council to support children and young people too unwell to attend their usual school.
All referrals for support are discussed and pathways agreed at a fortnightly multi agency panel meeting.
At the point of admission to Manchester Hospital School pupils will:
- Be a resident of the United Kingdom
- Be a resident in a country other than the UK where permission has been sought to educate that pupil
- Be present in hospital for a period of 5 school days or more or be a frequently recurrent patient
- Be receiving proton beam therapy at the Christie
- Be a resident at Galaxy House
Leo Kelly School
Following a referral from school and a health practitioner, young people are admitted to the Leo Kelly School once a multi agency admission panel consisting of health and education professionals have decided that the placement is suitable.
The Leo Kelly School is for Manchester residents who experience significant anxiety or associated mental health issues and/or are unable to attend school because of ongoing medical issues.
Other LAs can commission places for individual pupils.
We provide education for those children rising 5-18 unable to attend their normal place of education following being discharged from Hospital or are too unwell to leave their home.
Pupils are referred directly for Teaching by parents, schools and hospital or community consultants.
Alongside the pupils’ home schools, we aim to provide as much education as the pupils are medically deemed fit enough to access. This could be through virtually teaching, teaching in the Home or Community or through other technology routes such as AV1 robots.