

Bee Inspired sessions are an opportunity for SLT’s and teaching teams to participate in engaging discussions facilitated by Manchester Hospital School where collaborative thinking and sharing of practice enables staff to consider how we overcome barriers to learning which pupils may face.

What is an agile approach to education?

An AGILE APPROACH TO EDUCATION considers how to meet the needs of all learners in our setting. How do we respond to pupils’ needs and make reasonable adjustments, enabling each young person to experience success? How can we adopt a personalised approach when pupils’ needs are so varied?

Events & Bookings

Feedback from past sessions

What might a culture of safety and belonging look like?

A CULTURE OF SAFETY AND BELONGING in a school would manifest through open communication, where students feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and experiences without fear of judgement or discrimination. Feeling safe entails emotional security as well as physical protection, meaning that every pupil should have access to supportive resources and trusted adults. How do we create an environment that fosters a sense of belonging? What are the challenges around embedding inclusive practices which cater to diverse interests and consider appropriate curriculum adjustments that reflect a wide range of cultures and identities?

Events & Bookings

What might make a difference for pupils struggling with poor mental health?

There have been many studies done to understand the link between educational outcomes and poor mental health. Understanding these links and then ensuring that our schools are equipped to support pupils with poor mental health is key to providing an education system where all pupils can achieve. What are the CHALLENGES AROUND IDENTIFYING PUPILS STRUGGLING WITH THEIR MENTAL HEALTH and what can schools do to support these pupils?

Events & Bookings