The Leo Kelly School is a secondary provision which offers short term educational provision to pupils who have been referred by a medical practitioner. Pupils are mostly from a mainstream background and have SEMH as their primary need. We are not a long term alternative to mainstream school or a long term specialist SEMH provision.
Information For Parents
Welcome to The Leo Kelly School community.
- The most successful placements here happen when parents and carers work closely with us and our partners.
- We’re here to help with any questions or concerns, so please don’t hesitate to contact us.
- Your child’s form tutor will be your main point of contact.
Key Contacts:
Lisa Biggar is Site Lead for Leo Kelly School.
You can contact Lisa on 0161 509 2368 with any questions or concerns.

Dress Code/Uniform
There is no formal uniform for pupils at MHS, therefore we do not have a uniform policy.
At The Leo Kelly School we have a dress code so that our pupils are dressed in a comfortable, informal way suitable for a school environment:
We ask our pupils to avoid
- Wearing clothing with images, logos and text that could be perceived as offensive to others.
- Scooped neck tops and cropped tops.
- Wearing appropriate footwear for both indoor and outdoor use is important for safety. This could mean bringing a spare pair of shoes for outdoor PE lessons that could remain in school.
If pupils do not follow the dress code they may be provided with school clothing to wear for the day. We ask parents to support us in adhering to the dress code.
School Day
- 9.00am – School Starts
- 9.00am – Key Teacher Time
- 9.30am – Lesson 1
- 10.30am – Break Time
- 10.45am – Lesson 2
- 11:45am – Lesson 3
- 12.45pm – Lunch
- 1.15pm – Lesson 4
- 2.15pm – Lesson 5
- 3.15pm – School Ends

Mobile phones
We do allow pupils to bring their mobile phones into school but we expect these to be out of sight and switched off in lesson times. Pupils can use their mobile phones at break and lunch in the common room and outside playground.
We ask for your support on this.
Pupils must NEVER use their phones to record or photograph staff or pupils when they are at Leo Kelly School.
School Meals
Lunch is served between 12:45 and 13:15 in the school hall. Our school chef runs a three week menu cycle (current menu here) but will endeavour to work with pupils and families where there are specific food requirements to ensure that everyone is catered for. We will also provide a cold packed lunch where pupils are educated in the community.
Information For Schools
Pupils remain on roll at their home school when they are at Leo Kelly and the home school is expected to play a key role during their time with us.
Home schools sign an SLA as part of the referral process. In it they:
- Agree to the terms and condition’s of educational support and transport arrangements with the family, if transport is required.
- Ensure that there is a named link person (usually the SENDCO) who will arrange and lead review meetings, including annual reviews of EHCPs, for their pupil inviting parents and professionals as required.
- Ensure that the pupil and their family continue to receive general school information for pupils, parents/carers which is sent home to all pupils so that they continue to feel part of their home school whilst placed at Leo Kelly.
Ending a placement
Sudden ending
Please be aware that our Head teacher may end the placement if they deem that the placement is no longer compatible with the safety and wellbeing of the other pupils at our school.
Should this happen, home schools are expected to make alternative arrangements for the pupil and to take the pupil back onto their sole roll within 10 working days of being informed a placement has ended.
Planned ending
- We aim to move pupils back to their home school or to an alternative placement within two terms of them managing to regularly attend on a full time timetable. However, we know this is not always possible.
- Each case will be reviewed individually.
- We will work with you, through review meetings and informally, to work in the best interests of the child.
For further information please contact us on 0161 509 2368 or email
Teaching at The Leo Kelly School
- Pupils at Leo Kelly are taught in form groups depending on their age, ability and SEMH needs. There are five lessons in the school day with planned breaks in the morning.
- On admission, an ‘About Me profile‘ is completed to gain an understanding of the pupil’s needs and interests. We work closely with the home school, parents and medical professionals to gather information relevant to the individual to enable a successful transition into the Leo Kelly School. A Mental Health assessment is completed on admission to the school. The results of this assessment support intervention, teaching adaptations and approaches which will support pupil progress.
- Pupils have access to an academic curriculum with an aim to ensure pupils have opportunities to continue with their learning whilst being supported to manage challenges around their mental health.
- In addition to the academic curriculum offer we provide our pupils with opportunities to develop life skills through our trauma informed Preparation for Adulthood curriculum which supports development in the core skills outlined in the SEND code of practice for employment, independent living, health and society and community participation.
- Additionally, pupils have access to therapies such as Music, Speech and Language and Art therapies and we also work in collaboration with Manchester United who provide coaching and mentoring sessions to support pupils’ physical development and mental health.
- A baseline assessment is completed at the start of a pupil’s learning journey. This gives a clearly defined starting point to enable the teacher to build on prior learning and work towards a defined end point.
Making A Referral To The Leo Kelly School
- Referrals must be supported by a medical professional
- Parents/carers and the young person must agree to the referral.
- Applications are considered by a panel comprising serving headteachers, representatives from the Local Authority, medical professionals and and chaired by Manchester Hospital School.
- The panel decides if a student should be offered a short term placement.
Leo Kelly School is a provision for Manchester City Council residents. Enquiries from other Local Authorities can be made by contacting
Please see our Referrals FAQ to find out more about referrals and admissions.
To refer a young person, please complete the form below