Welcome to the Leo Kelly School community.
- The most successful placements here happen when parents and carers work closely with us and our partners.
- We’re here to help with any questions or concerns, so please don’t hesitate to contact us.
- Your child’s form tutor will be your main point of contact.

Key Contacts:
Lisa Biggar is Site Lead for Leo Kelly School.
You can contact Lisa on 0161 509 2368

School Day
- 9.00am – School Starts
- 9.00am – Key Teacher Time
- 9.30am – Lesson 1
- 10.30am – Break Time
- 10.45am – Lesson 2
- 11:45am – Lesson 3
- 12.45pm – Lunch
- 1.15pm – Lesson 4
- 2.15pm – Lesson 5
- 3.15pm – School Ends

Dress Code/Uniform
There is no formal uniform for pupils at MHS, therefore we do not have a uniform policy.
At the Leo Kelly School, we have a dress code so that our pupils are dressed in a comfortable, informal way suitable for a school environment. We ask our pupils to avoid wearing clothing with images, logos and text that could be perceived as offensive to others. Scooped neck tops and cropped tops should also be avoided. Wearing appropriate footwear for both indoor and outdoor use is important for safety. This could mean bringing a spare pair of shoes for outdoor PE lessons that could remain in school.
If pupils do not follow the dress code, they may be provided with school clothing to wear for the day. We ask parents to support us in adhering to the dress code.
Mobile Phones
We do allow pupils to bring their mobile phones into school but we expect these to be out of sight and switched off in lesson times. Pupils can use their mobile phones at break and lunch in the common room and outside playground.
We ask for your support on this.
Pupils must NEVER use their phones to record or photograph staff or pupils when they are at Leo Kelly School.