The aims of our Reading curriculum are to develop pupils’ skills while fostering a love of reading. We develop reading skills through appropriate reading material and intervention which supports pupils in decoding and phonics. Pupils are encouraged to read widely across all subjects and outside of the classroom by offering a range of diverse texts, from different genres, cultures and eras.
Pupils in our school are at different points in their learning journey therefore our curriculum is designed to focus on the development of key skills and knowledge, building on prior learning, appropriate to the individual learner.
Please see our reading policy for more information on reading intervention.
The teaching of Reading across the key stages:
Children are taught Phonics lessons through the accredited Read Write Inc Programme. We work with the home school to support alternative programmes if requested.
Year 1
Children are taught Phonics lessons through the accredited Read Write Inc Programme which includes opportunities to practice reading.
Year 2 and KS2
Children are taught reading through the accredited Read Write Inc Literacy and Language Programme which includes opportunities to practice reading.
KS3- KS4
Pupils engage in meaningful discussions around texts as well as being given opportunities to read to themselves and aloud enabling vocabulary to become more accessible. KS4 sees reading being incorporated into the English literature curriculum.
Oracy: Curriculum Principles
The aim of our approach to developing Oracy is to develop pupils skills in speaking and listening through a range of opportunities throughout their learning. Our teaching and learning model incorporates a range of strategies to support the pupil to develop their speaking and listening skills. These include research driven classroom-based activities linked to the knowledge and skills being learned. We also consider Wellcomm assessments which identify speech and language difficulties and offer techniques to support the young person to develop. We may also use ELKLAN strategies to further improve speech and language. Through internal SEN referral processes pupils may have access to additional intervention through our speech and language therapist. We always approach all our pupils needs on an individual basis with our approach building on the individual’s prior learning, skills and development.
Bedtime Stories
Please follow this link to visit our Bedtime Stories pages, with content for all Key Stages: Bedtime Stories