We teach children and young people at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital to enable them to continue their education while they are patients here.
Information For Parents
- Each ward has a key teacher who will ensure that education is planned for your child during their stay.
- Your child’s key teacher will come and see you and your child after they have been in hospital for 5 days or more.
- The key teacher will ask you to fill out a consent form so we are able to teach your child, and we can find out more about their needs.
- The key teacher will visit the ward every morning to let you know what lessons your child will have that day.
- Lessons take place Monday to Friday between 9.30am and 3.40pm.
Your child’s key teacher will be your main point of contact but you can contact us on 0161 509 2368 or by emailing office@hospitalschool.manchester.sch.uk
Information For Schools
If a child from your school has to stay in RMCH for more than five days, they will be offered learning by our team of specialist teachers.
- We cover all key stages from early years to KS4
- In some circumstances we may also support KS5 learning where it is appropriate to do so.
- We have a specialist teacher for PMLD pupils
- We teach one to one, normally at the bedside.
- Pupils will usually have at least one lesson a day depending on their age and medical condition.
- Please let us know if a parent has requested the withdrawal of their child from RSE or RE.
- Please contact us if there are elements of careers education you would like support to deliver.
- You can contact us on 0161 509 2368 or by emailing office@hospitalschool.manchester.sch.uk
If they are in hospital longer than 19 days, the pupil’s key teacher will make contact with your school to request the following information:
- A key contact name and number – either the child’s class/form teacher or SENCO
- SEND information including EHCP and IEPs (if applicable)
- Most recent assessment information
- Any relevant safeguarding information
- Up to date subject curriculum information (secondary students)
- Exam board information for year 10-11 students and in some circumstances year 12-13
It really helps us to better meet the needs of the pupil if you respond quickly to this request.
Attendance Data
- Pupils at RMCH are dual-rolled with their home school. You can mark them as D whilst they are being taught by our staff.
- If requested, we can provide you with details of when your pupil was taught, enabling you to mark them as a B code for these sessions.
- Please get in touch to request attendance updates
On discharge
We provide a summary of learning for pupils who have been in for more than 19 days
If a medical professional deems a pupil not to be well enough to attend school when they are discharged and they will have been off school more than 15 days in any one year, you should contact your local authority to arrange for them to provide education.
Manchester residents unable to return to their home school should be referred to our site lead.
Click here for the referral form and more information.
Teaching at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital
- Teaching takes place one to one at the pupil’s bedside on a hospital ward.
- Our teaching offer is for patients that have been in hospital for 19 days or more.
- We support patients with a range of independent learning tasks from day 5-18.
- Each ward has a key teacher who is responsible for ensuring all pupils on that ward have timetabled lessons and information is shared regarding the pupil’s medical conditions with relevant members of staff.
- The key teacher completes an ‘About Me profile‘ to gain an understanding of the pupil’s needs and interests. For longer stay pupils the key teacher will contact the pupil’s home school to gather any additional information.
- We teach pupils a broad range of National Curriculum subjects.
- The curriculum offer each pupil receives is dependent on their length of stay in hospital and the pupil’s medical condition.
- At the start of a pupil’s learning journey we complete a baseline assessment. This gives a clearly defined starting point to enable the teacher to build on prior learning and work towards a defined end point.