(Thinking, Health, Relationships, Independence, Values and Expression)
Our THRIVE curriculum creates awareness and appreciation of the cultural world we live in through the teaching of PSHE, RSE, PE, Drama, Music and Art. We ensure that knowledge and skills within the national curriculum are used as a starting point to plan learning for our pupils, taking into account their medical conditions and mental health needs. The THRIVE curriculum supports all our children to become active citizens while developing independence to become responsible members of our diverse society. The THRIVE curriculum encourages pupils to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.
Our Art curriculum focuses on developing knowledge and skills within the Art National Curriculum.The aims of our Art curriculum are to develop pupils’ skills in using a range of materials, techniques and processes. Through understanding the work of artists and learning about their techniques our pupils develop the skills to be able to create their own art work which expresses their individuality. We recognise the therapeutic benefits of Art and how this can develop confidence, engagement and resilience.
Pupils in our school are at different points in their learning journey therefore our curriculum is designed to focus on the development of key skills and knowledge, building on prior learning, appropriate to the individual learner.
The teaching of Art across the key stages:
Children are taught Expressive Art and Design through cross curricular themes which provides opportunities to support and develop their subject specific knowledge while simultaneously placing this artistic learning in the context of a wider cross-curriculum topic.
We teach Art as a descrete subject which is designed considering the National Curriculum and programmes of study.
Pupils have opportunities to develop their creativity through a range of disciplines including drawing, painting, ceramics, textiles and printmaking. Pupils will explore and experiment with materials in response to the world around them. At KS4 we take into account the interests of our students and ensure our curriculum enhances their experience of the subject while working alongside the exam board assessment objectives.
View our long term plans for Art:
Our Drama curriculum focuses on developing knowledge and skills within the spoken language English curriculum and using guidance from the Arts Council guidance. The aims of our Drama curriculum are to develop pupils’ creativity, confidence and self expression while developing pupil’s interpersonal skills.
Pupils in our school are at different points in their learning journey therefore our curriculum is designed to focus on the development of key skills and knowledge, building on prior learning, appropriate to the individual learner.
The teaching of Drama across the key stages:
In KS3 pupils will explore a variety of themes, playscripts and genres and will apply their ideas to create a piece of work. Pupils will have the opportunity to demonstrate their work to an individual or class and evaluate the process and their final product.
View our long term plans for Drama:
Our Music curriculum focuses on developing knowledge and skills within the Music National Curriculum. The aims of our Music curriculum are to develop pupils’ ability to engage with a wide variety of music genres through active involvement in music making. Music will increase self-confidence and creativity while improving instrumental skills.
Pupils in our school are at different points in their learning journey therefore our curriculum is designed to focus on the development of key skills and knowledge, building on prior learning, appropriate to the individual learner.
The teaching of Music through the key stages:
Children are taught Expressive Art and Design through cross curricular themes which provides opportunities to support and develop their subject specific knowledge while simultaneously placing this musical learning in the context of a wider cross-curriculum topic.
We teach Music through topics centred around the Music National Curriculum and programmes of study.
KS3 & KS4
The Music curriculum provides creative learning through instrumentation and musical elements. Our Music lessons give pupils an opportunity to listen, compose, play and evaluate their own work as well as others. Pupils will explore different musicians, genres, eras and cultural musical traditions through practical and theoretical activities.
View our long term plans for Music:
Music Development Summary
Physical Education
Our Physical Education curriculum focuses on developing knowledge and skills within the Physical Education National Curriculum. The aims of our PE curriculum are to develop pupils’ love of physical activity, sports and wellbeing through challenging, fun and exciting activities that contribute towards a healthy, active lifestyle. The curriculum offers opportunities to participate in a range of physical activities that develop different components of fitness, life skills, leadership and confidence.
Pupils in our school are at different points in their learning journey therefore our curriculum is designed to focus on the development of key skills and knowledge, building on prior learning, appropriate to the individual learner.
The teaching of Physical Education through the key stages:
Children are taught Physical Development through their PE lesson. The medical and physical needs of the pupils will influence the activities taught and a clear picture of a pupil’s needs is established.
The PE curriculum provides opportunities to develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities, for example, Fundamental Movement Skills,Team and Individual Games, Gym, Dance, Racket Sports and Outdoor and Adventurous Activities. This enables the pupils to be physically active for sustained periods of time and learn how to lead healthy and active lifestyles.
KS3 & KS4
The PE curriculum provides a range of sporting activities including; team and individual games, fundamental movement skills, dance, racket sports, Athletics, outdoor adventurous activities and gymnastics.
View our Long Term Plan for PE:
PSHE and RSHE Curriculum Principles
Our Personal, Social, Health, and Economics Education (PSHE) and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) curriculum focuses on developing knowledge and skills from the PSHE association. The aims of our PSHE and RSHE curriculum are to help pupils’ to make informed decisions in order to keep them happy, healthy and safe through the 3 core themes of ‘Health and Wellbeing’, ‘Relationships’, and ‘Living in the Wider World’.
Pupils in our school are at different points in their learning journey therefore our curriculum is designed to focus on the development of key skills and knowledge, building on prior learning, appropriate to the individual learner.
We would be happy to discuss any queries you may have regarding our the PSHE or RSHE curriculum. Please contact school reception on 0161 5092368 asking for Emma Cunha.
The teaching of PSHE and RSHE through the key stages:
Children are taught Personal, Social and Emotional Development through the Learning Means the World curriculum which provides opportunities to support and develop their subject specific knowledge while simultaneously placing this learning in the context of a wider cross-curriculum topic.
We teach PSHE and RSHE through themes which are centred around the PSHE association areas of study.
KS3 & KS4
PSHE and RSE is taught as a discrete subject. Topics cover a wide range of topics which include teaching pupils how to make the right choices, manage their academic, personal and social lives and signpost them to where to get help and support. Our curriculum aims to prepare our pupils for adult life, to promote tolerance and respect and encourage them to express their ideas in a safe environment.